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GQ Magazine calls the Bible 'foolish'; Fraklin Graham responds...

The editors at GQ disagree that the Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time as well as the greatest book of all time.
The men’s magazine ranks The Bible as #12 on their list of so-called “great books” that “haven’t aged well.”

In an article titled “21 Books You Don't Have to Read and 21 You Should Read Instead” the editors say, 

“The Holy Bible is rated very highly by all the people who supposedly live by it but who in actuality have not read it.

“Those who have read it know there are some good parts, but overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced. It is repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned,” they conclude.

Evangelist Franklin Graham had a few editorial remarks of his own in response to GQ’s ranking.

“The Holy Bible is God-breathed, it is living and active, and it is sharper than a double-edged sword. There’s nothing more powerful, and there’s nothing more needed by mankind than the Word of God,” said Graham via Facebook.

“Maybe the GQ editors need to read it, again. The subject of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is Jesus Christ. And one day soon, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord,” he continued.

*Hahaha! I laugh in the Spirit. If only they knew...if only...
Thank you Franklin Graham for that insightful reply.


  1. Mitchelle please I need your help. I am a fan of the book of Exodus so once in a while from the normal everyday study of the new testament I would go back to read exodus. But last night while studying exodus I wanted to check for something on the internet on some thoughts that I had whilst studying it, only for me to see that researchers said there has not been any evidence to show that the people of Israel lived in Egypt. The claimed it never happened? No evidence by the archeologists? Is it not disheartening? How can someone now sit down and forge all those lovely stories? Because that's what they are insinuating. Can you help Mitchell's? Thank you

    1. Hello dear. It's time you choose either to believe the Word of God or the words of men. Also be careful what you get off the Internet. So many false infos everywhere. The Bible is our final authority. You know what faith is? Faith believes without seeing.

      Faith is believing because God said so, not because you were there when it happened. I wasn't there when the Bible was written but I believe every single word of it. That's faith. I wasn't there when God created the world in 6 days but I still believe it happened! That's faith.

      The book of Exodus is no myth. It actually happened. Paul told Timothy that "...all Scripture (not some but all) is God breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16)You can check out this link for more information on the reality of Exodus:

      Also there are evidences that God parted the Red sea. Why I mention this is because it was one of the events that happened after the Exodus. According to reports, "Repeated dives in depths (of the Red sea)ranging from 60 to 200 feet deep (18m to 60m), over a stretch of almost 2.5 km, has shown that the chariot parts are scattered across the sea bed. Artifacts found include wheels, chariot bodies as well as human and horse bones." You can google it and see for yourself, plus pictures.

      God does not lie. His Word is true and these historical events can be proved because they really happened! The devil is working hard to disprove the Bible as a mere work of fiction but it's not. The Bible documents the power of God, His acts, who He is.

      From the garden of Eden to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to how Lot's wife turned into salt down to Jesus' death and resurrection, the evidences abound that these things did happen.

      So this is me saying to you, "Believe the Word of God. That's faith. Faith doesn't analyze. It simply believes. Why? Because God said so." Faith makes us. The Bible is not a myth. I hope I have made it clear now?

  2. Thank a billion!


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