Please get a seat, sit down and ask yourself this all important question and don't stand up until you get a good answer.
“Why am I here?”
Or maybe you think you are just here to have fun, right? That life is too short so you want to catch all the fun before you leave. Wow! It's amazing that some people don’t even believe there is eternity talk more
of even thinking about it. They simply live for the now and take whatever the day brings. Talk about wasting precious time! Smh.
There is more to life than making money, having sex, getting married, having children, buying the latest cars, acquiring lands, building houses,
enjoying all the good things of life and wielding power, affluence and
Why is it that despite all these material possessions, people
still feel empty inside like there is something lacking, something
they still need, a deep-seated dissatisfaction?
Because there is still more!
There is a vacuum in every heart waiting to be filled and only God can fill that vacuum. Until we allow God take His rightful place and we begin to live according to His ultimate purpose for creating us in the first place then we have not
started living because that is the real reason we are here.
So why are you here? To serve God's purpose!
And what is that purpose?
That you should fear God (Eccl 3:14b)
And what does it mean to fear God?
To love, obey Him and accept the salvation He offers us through Jesus, the ONLY way to Him.
So are you living this purpose now?
Live the purpose driven life where everything you do is inspired by THE PURPOSE.
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