Take a tour through the Museum of Curiosities where man collects celebrity poo, human remains and erhm...
Viktor Wynd keeps his bizarre collections in his Museum of Curiosities. The small art exhibition boasts a number of truly unorthodox finds, with everything from Viagra used by the Rolling Stones to stuffed animals with two heads making an appearance. And perhaps one of the wildest claims comes in the form of celebrity poo. Leading over to a set of bottles lined on top of a shelf, Viktor revealed: “Here we have a jar of Amy Winehouse’s poo and a jar of Kylie Minogue’s poo.” But perhaps more shockingly, he also added that he could tell the difference between them using either his eyes and his nose. He said: “If you look at them, you can see Amy Winehouse had a late night kebab poo. “Whereas Kylie’s is more of a teetotal raw food diet – wholesome and firm. “I can tell you Amy’s poo smells absolutely disgusting, whereas Kylie’s has a sweeter aroma.” Viktor also admitted guests are free to sniff the faeces for a £5 fee. And ...