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20 things to do if you miss the rapture

I didn't write this but I felt I should share the 20 things you should do if you miss the rapture.

1. Do not believe the explanations given by the secular media.
They will find a way to explain away our disappearance, don't listen to them. The rapture just occurred.We have left the earth on a cloud of glory to be with Jesus forever.

2. Get rid of your cell phone.
If you do not agree with the government, your cell phone can be tracked. Throw it in a river or lake far from where you are going to be.

3. Do not kill yourself.
You probably feel hopeless, but there is still hope. Don't think suicide as the way out. The Holy Spirit will still be working  at this time. Pray and ask Him to guide you, give you strength and dwell in you.

4. Repent immediately and make your peace with God.

5. Make sure you have a printed Bible.

6. Leave your home and get away from the cities, especially the big cities.
Go to some remote area. Learn to live off the land. Don't take your cell phone because you can be tracked down. Disconnect the transponder on your vehicle, or ditch the vehicle altogether.

7. Pray for God to help you and give you strength.
It's going to be difficult to survive and you're going to need His strength as you've never needed it before.

8. Don't go to church.
That's right—don't go to church or join the world conglomerate religion because it will be under the control of the false prophet (Rev. 13). All true, godly ministers have left the earth in the rapture.

9. Get a small, self-powered radio.
 You're going to need to listen. Don't believe the propaganda, but believe when they tell you about certain events relating to wars and geophysical calamities. You'll be able to know what will happen next by reading Revelation 6-19.

10. Keep praying for your loved ones who are unbelievers.

11. Leave copies of this list for as many people as you can.
Perhaps this will help others survive and come to Christ. 

12. Do not in any way, under any circumstances, align with the world leader.

13. Refuse to take a mark, a name, a number or a chip in your right hand or your forehead.
Refuse any microchip injections. Revelation 13

14. Do not steal, do not commit any sexual sin, don't murder anybody and don't use drugs to ease your anxiety.
The temptation to steal, murder, use drugs and give yourself to sexual sin will be enormous, but you must resist.

15. Pray for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
They're going to be suffering to a greater degree than any other group on Earth. 

16. Be prepared to suffer.
 It's going to look like a horror movie or science fiction, but it's real. You may have to die for your faith, but it's worth it.

17. Do not speak evil of Israel or her people, no matter the pressure.
God will contend with you if you are contentious with Israel. False prophets will tell you that the nation Israel has no right to exist.

18. If you are captured by the authorities, do not deny Jesus Christ as Lord and God.

19. Mark the day the world leader moves his image into the holy temple in Jerusalem.
When that happens, you will know that you have 1,260 days to survive. Daniel refers to 1290 days, which includes thirty days of cleansing after He returns.

20. Determine to endure to the end!
If you miss the rapture, there is still hope. Moses endured much tribulation by looking to Him who is invisible (God).  Charisma News

*When I was in the University, I engaged myself with Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series. I found it a very interesting read, dramatizing the rapture and post rapture. 

I was on the third or forth series, while reading the book a question came to me like a jolt, "Why are you reading this book? Do you have an intention of being left behind after the rapture?"

Immediately I completely lost the flair for that book. I had no intention of not making the rapture so no need reading it; I had no need knowing what will happen after the rapture because I didn't intend being there.

It's a faith thing though. I am not saying that there's anything is wrong with reading the book. It's actually interesting and you will learn a lot.

Live Rapture Ready


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