These pictures are harrowing and sad. Looking through them, I realized that we need to thank God for every little thing, for being alive everyday.
This is the situation in Mosul as Iraqi government rains rockets on city in fight to win it back from ISIS jihadis.
But I wish these pictures will inspire you to thank God for peace. Thank God you have a home you get back to to rest.
Thank God your country isn't at war and then make a little time to whisper a prayer for war-torn countries where people run helter skelter not knowing if they'd live to see the next day.
Imagine you are the one in these pictures. Imagine being forcibly ejected from your home with nothing but a bag or two, with your spouse and your children and constantly being fearful for their lives.
Imagine the pain of seeing your children hungry, unsheltered and tattered.
So don't look down on where you are but rather press on in faith to where God is taking you.
You think you have a BIG problem? Breaking news - some people can only dream about where you are right now.
You don't have that job yet? Thank God.
No children yet? Thank God.
No food to eat? Thank God.
Keep thanking God, as difficult as it may be. Thank Him for all the ones He has done. Faith says that what He has promised, He will do!
Thanksgiving is an act of faith.
This is the situation in Mosul as Iraqi government rains rockets on city in fight to win it back from ISIS jihadis.
But I wish these pictures will inspire you to thank God for peace. Thank God you have a home you get back to to rest.
Thank God your country isn't at war and then make a little time to whisper a prayer for war-torn countries where people run helter skelter not knowing if they'd live to see the next day.
Imagine you are the one in these pictures. Imagine being forcibly ejected from your home with nothing but a bag or two, with your spouse and your children and constantly being fearful for their lives.
Imagine the pain of seeing your children hungry, unsheltered and tattered.
So don't look down on where you are but rather press on in faith to where God is taking you.
You think you have a BIG problem? Breaking news - some people can only dream about where you are right now.
You don't have that job yet? Thank God.
No children yet? Thank God.
No food to eat? Thank God.
Keep thanking God, as difficult as it may be. Thank Him for all the ones He has done. Faith says that what He has promised, He will do!
Thanksgiving is an act of faith.
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