I want to sincerely apologize if you find it frustrating publishing your comments on this blog.
Sincerely it beats me cos there is nothing sweeter than seeing all your wonderful thoughts and comments concerning any of my posts. Please bear with my lapses.
Meanwhile, I have done something about it but if you still find that you can't publish successfully, please let me know through e-mail so I can further assess the reason.
And just in case you want to know, I didn't intentionally put the robot there. Hope I get more people commenting after this? *Smiles*
Thanks so much and God bless you.
Lots of love from me.
Sincerely it beats me cos there is nothing sweeter than seeing all your wonderful thoughts and comments concerning any of my posts. Please bear with my lapses.
Meanwhile, I have done something about it but if you still find that you can't publish successfully, please let me know through e-mail so I can further assess the reason.
And just in case you want to know, I didn't intentionally put the robot there. Hope I get more people commenting after this? *Smiles*
Thanks so much and God bless you.
Lots of love from me.
It still asked me to select matching items
ReplyDeleteOk dear