This article was not written by me. It was Shane Idleman for Charisma. He writes:
It's unfortunate that today's focus is largely on external factors like looks, money, position, status, etc. These superficial values have left marriage in a moral and spiritual crisis. We've become a society focused on prosperity instead of provision, we value wealth instead of wisdom, and we are drawn to charisma instead of character. It's little wonder that divorce is rampant because our foundation has slowly deteriorated.
A relationship with Christ provides the foundation for strong marriages. The foundation built today provides the strength to weather the storm tomorrow ( See Matthew 7:24-27).
Marriage today is not failing because it's more difficult than in years past—it's failing because the foundation has weakened. A "genuine" relationship with Christ is the solid rock upon which marriage must be built. Sadly, most are neglecting this foundational truth.
Many focus on finding the "right" person without first focusing on becoming the right person. Why do so many marriages fail? In many cases, it's because they have religion and not a true relationship with Jesus.
Study revealed that two-thirds of the unhappily married spouses who stayed together were actually happier five years later. The opposite is often true for those divorced. Although those who divorce may temporarily escape the pain, divorce introduces new emotional and relational difficulties.
In a nutshell, unless it is severe or life threatening, weather the storm—it's worth it. Though the road ahead may be uncertain at times, the solid foundation beneath will never shift. It's all about ‘Who’ you know.
*Someone said that being born again is not a guarantee that your marriage will stay but rather it's running your marriage according to the principles of God's Word and I soooo agree. On what principle are you running your marriage?
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