Alana,20, is very self conscious of her image. So much so that she can spend up to 4 hrs a day making up her face.
Her strange case is called body dysmorphia, a form of distorted self-image and she had had this 'illness' since her teenage age.
So devastating was her 'illness' that she, at a time, confined herself for 4 years in her room.
She said, 'I feel so bad for other people having to look at me. It's cruel to let them see my face.'
Her torment led her to self harm and 3 times she had attempted to take her life.
*This girl is so beautiful. I think what she needs to know and believe is that she is beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made.
You know it's funny how these people dismiss everything as an 'illness'. Some things are actually spiritual and can only be taken care of with God's Word.
Whatever you look like, love yourself just the way you are. Don't let the devil tell you otherwise and torture you soul.
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