Her e is his nar ration: Do not forget; just as we have the Holy Spirit, there is also an Un-Holy Spirit. Just as born-again Christians speak in tongues, Satanic and demonic agents too also speak in tongues. It has always been the practices of Satan, his principalities and demons, including their human agents to mimic the Sovereign Lord God of the heavens and the universe. I was in a white garment church in Ikeja, Lagos in the 1990s and all of a sudden, the pastor announced that a prophetess had a vision from God to share with the congregation. The lady evangelist got up and started speaking in tongues (in an unknown language) while the whole congregation remained silent. But the pastor understood and joined the so-called prophetess as both went to and forth like a-two-way conversation but no one in the congregation understood what both were saying. Suddenly, I was taken aback that I could understand what both of them were saying. The pro...
Saying it as it is & uncovering the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11)