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Avoid the DO-IT-YOURSELF trap!

 Some Christians struggle when they try doing life on their own and in their strength. What they are yet to realize is that the Christian life is a do-it-with-God affair not a do-it-yourself affair. Allow me break it down for you in this video. Believe me, you will be glad you watched this video.
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How I know that God is REAL...

 I know God is real. There is no question about it on my part. He is more real than anything that I know and have experienced. Allow me share with you in this video two ways that I know that God is real. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Is there anything like UNINTENTIONAL CHEATING? Check out 6 ways you might be creating an atmosphere for infidelity!

 In this eye-opening video, we explore a critical yet often overlooked aspect of marriage: the subtle ways we can unintentionally create an atmosphere for infidelity.  Did you know that many individuals who cheat on their spouses never planned to do so? They found themselves in situations that fostered emotional connections, leading to heartache and betrayal. Join us as we uncover **6 hidden traps that can lead to infidelity** in your marriage. From failing to set boundaries with the opposite sex to engaging in intimate conversations, these common mistakes can escalate into dangerous territory if left unchecked. We'll discuss: - The importance of establishing clear boundaries and how to do it effectively. - The risks of constant communication and emotional bonding with others. - The dangers of keeping secrets from your spouse and how transparency can strengthen your relationship. This video aims to raise awareness about these pitfalls so you can protect your marriage from the pain

Marcus Lamb, co-CEO of Daystar TV, is dead

Tuned in to watch DayStar like I usually do every other morning only to find that Evangelist Marcus Lamb, the owner of DatStar Christian TV has passed on. He fell ill and died shortly after from Covid-19 complications. He was diabetic, and thus at an increased risk of serious illness should he be infected. Deeply saddening. He will be so missed but I believe he is with Jesus now. May God comfort his wife, Joni, and the rest of his family in this difficult period. He was said to have died around 4am of 30th November, 2021. Sleep well Marcus Lamb.

Watch my video, 'Choosing a life partner that fits into your forever'

I had such a great time talking on this topic 'Choosing a life partner that fits into your forever'. Hahaha! I had to break it down into chunks for easy understanding by answering these questions: 1. What do you think is people's greatest fear when it comes to marriage or relationships? 2. Is marriage outdated? 3. What are some of the relationship mistakes that you think people make on their journey to choosing a life partner? 4. An unhealthy relationship is already a red flag when it comes to choosing a life partner. How does one identify a healthy relationship? 5. What are those necessary questions we should ask ourselves before we can say confidently, "Yes, I know he or she is the one I can share my forever with"? Please watch it and leave your comments. And yes...share with your friends. Lol.

Popular rapper, the Game, says "Jesus is my saviour but I still love going to strip clubs and smoking marijuana"

A spiritual awakening Game experienced after reading the Bible and attending church was the inspiration for the album.  The rapper publicly declared that he was baptized at Bishop Noel Jones' City of Refuge Church in Gardena, California in 2011 but has struggled to completely let go of his former lifestyle.  "The album is called Jesus Piece, and it's basically about wanting to be a Christian, right?" he explained to Sister 2 Sister magazine. "But not wanting to change all the things that I love doing. Like, you know, I've been baptized. I go to church. I love God ... but at the same time, I love going to strip clubs. Sometimes I smoke marijuana. And I still love drinking alcohol and chilling. I don't want to be judged for that ... so that's what the album is about." The rapper explained his reasoning for the deluxe artwork to MTV News: "I did the album cover the way I wanted to. It embodies part of my career, my life; it's all in that co

Woman says God told her to be a stripper

A self-proclaimed Christian OnlyFans model, Nita Marie, says that stripping for strangers online is what God wants her to do. “I asked God if I should continue stripping off and the answer was always yes.” Marie believes it’s her divine mission to empower other women to embrace their sexuality. She claims to have become a Christian after having a dream about Jesus when she was 9 years old. Although she was not raised in a religious household, she became more spiritual and tried to build a relationship with Christ — without all the misogyny. She said, "That experience helped me seek out Christianity and I built a relationship with Christ on a personal level, rather than one filled with doctrine written by men thousands of years ago,” Marie asserted that Christianity has suppressed women’s sexuality from the beginning, but she believes this is not what God intended. To her, God gave her sexuality as a gift to share with others, where both parties are consensual. "I want t


 Powerful! When God opened my eyes to this, I was like "Wow!"  It's funny how often we read or study a particular Scripture but it does not just hit you until...! Lol. Amazing. This article is one of such times for me. I was studying James 2:14-26 with the Message Bible and NKJV and things stood out even better. Join me on this table: "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and they tremble!" How many times have you come across this verse in the Bible and you quickly move past it to the next? But this particular verse opened my eyes further to what faith and actions really is all about. Let me explain. There are so many people out there who  believe that God exists or that Jesus is the Son of God. Yes, they believe that Jesus died for their sins, was buried and rose again, but that's where it ends for them. There is no accompanying works (or actions) to back up their faith. Even demons believe and they tremble but there is no

Join me as I speak on 'Choosing a life partner that fits into your forever'. Check out the date

 Erm...I am not a relationship expert. I no reach😃. I am just a simple woman learning on the go after being married for 11yrs and counting.  Truth is - no one, no matter how long they have been in a relationship or been married, can ever claim to be an expert in love, relationship and marriage matters. But I know SOMEONE who is the real relationship Expert. And He wants us to take His hand as we go through this heart-warming experience. His name is GOD. And when He is at the centre of our everything (including marriage), be sure it will turn out amazing💥. There is no perfect marriage. Marriage is a school where we are all in the process of learning and growing, and it's for life🙂. We make mistakes, we learn from those mistakes and keep moving forward. But it doesn't change the fact that marriage is beautiful. And every beautiful marriage starts by choosing a life partner that fits into your forever. But how do we do this? Join me on this Saturday by 2pm on @lighterssphere Fa

5 seconds in Hell...

This was written by a man who spent 23 minutes in hell. His  name is Bill Weise. "On Nov. 23, 1998, I had an out-of-body experience which falls under the classification of a "vision" (see 2 Cor. 12:1-2). It was not a dream or a near-death experience. The Lord chose to take me to hell in my spirit man. If you could see hell for just five seconds, you would never be arrogant, self-righteous or rebellious toward God again. You would run to Him with extreme gratitude and humility and ask for His forgiveness. If you could see hell for just five seconds you would never take God's name in vain again. You would thank Him every day for the rest of your life for providing the way of salvation. You would thank God that you are still breathing and have hope. The fact is that you won't see hell while you are still alive. Salvation requires faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross. Salvation requires a purposeful act on your part ... before you die. If you say you need to

Hearers and Doers. Faith and Actions Part 2

There is a connection between prosperity and our actions. And I want to show you if you will keep up with me. What I am doing via these articles is to show you what God has shown me, and it's simply amazing. James 1:22,25 says, "But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves...But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty (the Word) and continues in it , and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does ." Notice the statement 'he will be blessed (prosper) in what he does'. Prosperity comes by doing what the Word requires. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!&

My Memoir

If you know me well, I am very passionate about youths. Lol. I can't help it. It's my intense desire to see them flourish, become the best version of who God created them to be as well as help them develop a personal and thriving relationship with God. Last week Tuesday, I was invited to speak at St Luke's Parish Kubwa, Abuja. And this is what it looked like in the pictures below:

Woman whose ambition was to be the biggest serial killer who ever lived

Can you imagine someone's life ambition?! This is purely demonic. He name is Jane Toppan. She was a nurse. 

Hearers and Doers. Faith and Actions (A Must Read)

I am troubled about how much God's Word has been watered down in our generation. Every preacher emphasizes on faith or believing but most do not emphasize on doing.  They fail to realize that our faith means nothing without our works to prove or show it. If I truly believe in Jesus; if I really have faith in Him, my faith must provoke obedience. It is impossible for me to say I believe and yet live in my old life. When the seed (God's Word) fell on good ground, it bore fruit in varying degrees - 30, 60 and a 100 fold. As long as the seed falls on a good ground, it MUST bear fruit. If it does not, then the ground was never good. Jesus is big when it comes to 'doing' or 'obedience to God'. That is actually one of the reasons He came. There are so many Scriptures that prove that Jesus is so concerned about us not just hearing but doing what we hear. Stay with me, look up my subsequent articles because I will be sharing many of these proofs on them. Our faith is not

A story you can learn from...

 A man sees a snake dying in flames and decides to free it from the fire. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him causing excruciating pain. The man immediately drops the snake and the reptile falls back into the burning flames. At this point the man, looking around, finds a metal pole and uses it to take the snake from the flames again, saving his life. Another man, who had seen what happen, approaches the man and asks him: "This snake bit you! Why are you trying to save his life?" The man replies: "The snake's nature is to bite, but that won't change my nature, which is to help." Don't change your nature just because someone has hurt you. Don't lose your goodness of mind, but learn to act carefully.

My fellow Nigerians, is this true?

    Just few days ago, I was telling someone that Nigerians know how to make a joke out of our bad situationship. Then I stumbled on an article in Quora that best articulates it. So my people, help me judge this matter: If they say Nigerians are among the happiest people on earth I don't think we will argue. An average Nigerian mentality is just cruise. People that make fun of their own misery.  Humor is a gift you get for being a Nigerian, slightly higher than the line for insanity. I won't be wrong if I say it's our coping mechanism. Fun is a way we know how to keep on pushing and a way to look beyond our imperfect country. With how our country is if we don't laugh at life we will go mad. Who turns a protest into a party? Nigerians Who replys with ffb on their president’s post on Twitter? Nigerians Who creates happiness out of nothing? Nigerians Who turns every situation into a comedy? Nigerians. Nigerians use banter and humor to hide how messed up we all are in this

Will some Christians miss the rapture?

A youth asked me, "Aunty Mitchelle, will some Christians be left behind when the rapture happens?" My response: "True believers in Christ won't be left behind. But there will definitely be some Christians who will be." I will talk more about this statement later in another article that I will call 'the Two kinds of Christians'.  Stay tuned for it. Okay, back to the question above: Will some Christians be left behind when the rapture happens? Yes.  These set of Christians are the ones I call the Saying Christians . They say they believe in Jesus, but they do not show it in their lifestyle. They deliberately keep on sinning, habitually practicing sin without remorse, probably because they say the grace of God covers it. But they forget that the grace of God is not a licence to sin.  These Saying Christians orally and mentally assent to being saved but their hearts speak differently because if they truly were saved, they will not be comfortable sinning agai

The Habit called DELIBERATE

Let me shock you a little: Don't pray to God to give you love. Don't pray to God to give you joy, or peace, or patience, or kindness, or goodness. Don't pray to God to give you faith. The truth is you already have them. Just use them. Did I get your attention? Imagine you went to market and stocked up on food and provisions - beverage, bread, yam, rice, beans, wine, oil etc. And they are all sitting in your store, but you refuse to use them.  Not only will you go hungry, you will miss also out on the pleasure of enjoying those provisions and their health benefits. See are well equipped. When you received Jesus into your heart, God gave you everything you need to live for His pleasure - the fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This a fruit with nine parts (notice in the Bible verse it says 'fruit' not 'fruits'. Check it out in your Bible). That means you have all of them from