"I'm lost!", are the usual throes of depressed celebs before they finally commit suicide. If wealth, fame and affluence were all that mattered,why should people who seem to have made it in life still feel such sense of emptiness called depression? It's because there is more to life ! There is a vacuum in our hearts only God can fill and when this vacuum....this gaping hole is unfilled, it leaves a 'depression' in our hearts. Until God floods our lives, depression is bound to set in. Nature abhors vacuum and when this hole isn't filled with God's Spirit, darkness will fill it. In our bid to drown this dark hole, we turn to alcohol,drugs, sex, addictions etc just to quench this gaping emptiness. Depression is destructive and only God can remove it, nothing else. There's more to life....It's all about giving God His rightful place in our lives.
It is said that most Hollywood celebrities, to get to where they are today, made a deal with the devil...they sold their souls for fame and fortune. By selling their souls they submit to Satan so that he totally uses, enslaves and possesses their life, body, mind, will and soul. Satan's goal and agenda becomes theirs. Their life is no more their own. So let it not surprise you when their songs or movies serve Satan's purpose of driving men into deeper darkness. These celebrities are idolized and literally worshiped but clearly they serve Satan and channel demonic spirits through their music and movies. From the likes of Madonna,Jay Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj ,Eminem, Bob Dylan and so so many others, these are known to be demon possessed having sold their souls to the devil. Melyssa Ford, a Canadian hip hop model and actress ,said in an interview, "If your ultimate goal is to be famous, you have to do a lot to get there like sign your name in blood i...
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